Tea Party’s Mark Williams defends "NAACP’s Letter to Lincoln"

There’s been a relentless attempt to goad African-Americans into an angry response on a number of fronts and the Tea Party’s Mark Williams’ satirical letter to Lincoln from the NAACP is the latest installment in this effort.  This bait that is being hung out there by far right wing should be ignored, but unfortunately the NAACP has blundered into a situation by grabbing it and the result was this letter and the interview below on CNN.

The objective in all of this is to take down the Obama administration using race as a wedge to do so.  This can be discerned in Williams’ opening comments  in the video about the administration doing whatever it can to “divide us by race, social status, economic status and etc.” The route being pursued to topple the administration is to flip the script on racism and accuse groups like the NAACP of racism.  This is something that will resonate with many whites as there is a level of resentment around the idea that black folks have been the beneficiaries of reverse racism.   Moreover, I can’t recount the number of times I read or heard the argument that “we don’t have an NAAWP” or a “Black Student Union”, so for some whites the mere existence of organizations like this is cause for resentment.  The far right is determined to  target this deep well of resentment to drive a wedge in the electorate and topple the administration. Wedge politics have been the republican game plan for the last 30 years.

They are being greatly assisted in this effort clearly by Fox and now by CNN. The difference is that CNN is not being as overt as Fox is but there’s little doubt that some elements within the network support the tea party as evidenced below.  Look at the first video carefully.  John King attempts to act as if he’s being  the “objective” reporter, but he’s actually guiding Williams through the entire interview and letting him make his points as established in his satirical letter to Lincoln while continuing to taunt and bait the NAACP.

There’s little doubt that Williams wrote this letter with the view of causing a firestorm even though he knew he’d be called upon to withdraw it.   I suspect that was planned.  With all his talk about “colored people” not being his term, don’t be surprised if we hear racial epithets at some point being excused because “that’s what they call each other.”

Williams appears to have skills similar to those of Glenn Beck.  It’s sort of funny that these guys would tag Obama as being a Hitler as that’s really is an apt description of them and the dog whistle they’re blowing.  The far right is highly organized, very well funded and have message discipline.  They are also a danger to this nation. I say that because anyone uses dog whistles and slogans as a substitute for substantive discussion and debate is hiding their true intentions.  The silence from the moderates and grownups in the republican establishment is also very telling.  This can be interpreted as their tacit support for what’s being done here.

By contrast, it appears that the left is not very organized at all and exhibits no coordinated response.  The NAACP was bullied here and that’s actually been the case with much of the left.   What the administration and others have failed to do is aggressively take these guys to the mat and body slam them by a full frontal multi-pronged assault on their policies and expose their lack of intellect.  In the second video below, Chris Matthews is questioning Williams’ knowledge of the names of the republican congressional leaders and he can’t even name them but decides to obfuscate matters by taking a shot at Matthews for his “tingling leg” comment during Obama’s election. 

The strength of the far right is having articulate spokespersons, but that’s also their weakness as none of these guys have any intellectual heft.  The cartoon opening this entry describes them well—they’re pea brains.  That’s where the administration and its supporters have an opening to take them down.  



7 Responses to “Tea Party’s Mark Williams defends "NAACP’s Letter to Lincoln"”
  1. “There’s been a relentless attempt to goad African-Americans into an angry response on a number of fronts and the Tea Party’s Mark Williams’ satirical letter to Lincoln from the NAACP is the latest installment in this effort. This bait that is being hung out there by far right wing should be ignored, but unfortunately the NAACP has blundered into a situation by grabbing it and the result was this letter and the interview below on CNN.” Greg L.

    With the expulsion of Mark Williams from T-Party Nation, this tactic for the time being has backfired.

    Appearing on the CBS program “Face the Nation,” Webb said that Williams and the Tea Party Express — which has held a series of events across the country to generate support for the movement — no longer were part of the National Tea Party Federation.

    “We, in the last 24 hours, have expelled Tea Party Express and Mark Williams from the National Tea Party Federation because of the letter that he wrote,” Webb said of the blog post by Williams that satirized a fictional letter from what he called “Colored People” to President Abraham Lincoln.

    We can still argue over the advisability or the political advantage of taking up the cause in the first place, but for now the NAACP is enjoying a victory of a sort.

    The blowback on William’s obvious racist taunt, and his previous statement that the NAACP is a racist organization is what led to his expulsion. The obvious question to ask now, is why? Why did the T-Party not defend their man? Who was applying the heat? And who really made the decision to oust Williams?

    “Williams appears to have skills similar to those of Glenn Beck.”

    Because these guys are pit bulls, always in attack mode, leaving others to protect their jugular and other vital areas. The strategy for Dems is to never let your opponent advance the attack, but counterattack.

    “The silence from the moderates and grownups in the republican establishment is also very telling. This can be interpreted as their tacit support for what’s being done here.”

    What’s that old saw? “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Repubs get to sit back and watch the fight without lifting a finger, or taking any of the blows. The bloodletting is okay as long as it’s not perceived as of their own making.

    “There’s little doubt that Williams wrote this letter with the view of causing a firestorm even though he knew he’d be called upon to withdraw it. I suspect that was planned. With all his talk about “colored people” not being his term, don’t be surprised if we hear racial epithets at some point being excused because “that’s what they call each other.””

    All three major cable news networks benefit from this “firestorm,” and the continuation of it, as I’ve already observed. But until lately the T-Party Nation were the only ones invited to the party. Blacks now, at least, have the opportunity, because of the escalation of the rhetoric by the NAACP, for better or for worst (we’ll see!), expose T-baggers for the racists that they are, giving them sufficient rope, not to hang blacks, and black organizations, but themselves.

  2. After a little more research into the matter, I concede that William’s ouster from the T-Party Federation is a minor victory, given all the permutations of the group that exits throughout the T-Party Nation.

    • Greg L says:

      After a little more research into the matter, I concede that William’s ouster from the T-Party Federation is a minor victory, given all the permutations of the group that exits throughout the T-Party Nation

      I had to travel to Boston this afternoon and was listening to the news reports on Williams’ explusion on the way up.

      I do believe that the NAACP and the Dems got a victory from this. I’m not so sure as to how to characterize its magnitude. The fact that they put out this guy Webb for cover is likely an attempt to assure the non racist elements of the Tea Party but may actually wind up splintering them as the racist elements are not going to take kindly to being muzzled. Webb is also a token as his Tea Party 360 group is quite small. According to a news report I heard today, he was only able to turn out about 5 people at some tea party convention due to his group’s small membership, yet now he’s now the head honcho. That is certain to set off some issues within. I was listening to David Duke’s praise of the Tea Party earlier this week and among the things he had an issue with was the “forced diversity”. Duke was complaining that some of the tea party rallies had more black folks on stage than they had in the audience.

      If the NAACP has forced them to disown the racists in their ranks, then the tea party could possibly splinter. I’d consider that a major victory.

      I agree also with your analysis of this being a bonanza for the media.

      The obvious question to ask now, is why? Why did the T-Party not defend their man? Who was applying the heat? And who really made the decision to oust Williams?

      Yes. This is the question. Let me suggest that the Tea party is likely not as concerned about offending blacks as it is with offending whites, particularly those who are a part of their ranks. There have been many careers destroyed by overt racism and Williams’ taunt crossed the line more than I actually assumed it would. Afterall, Limbaugh has been baiting away without any real sanction. Beck has been doing it also, but has lost ratings, but no one is really condemning him. So I just assumed that Williams was going to be able to do and say whatever without sanction so I have to admit this is a pleasant surprise–or at least it seems that way now. It’s probably wise for us to take a wait and see attitude on this.

    • Greg L says:

      After a little more research into the matter, I concede that William’s ouster from the T-Party Federation is a minor victory, given all the permutations of the group that exits throughout the T-Party Nation.

      BD, I’ve come around to this view as well. This appears to be a very minor victory. As I think about it, the T Party doesn’t have to be organized, just vocal. The republican party has the organization. So the T-Party can splinter as much as it wants, but that will have little effect on the republican party IMO.

  3. “It’s probably wise for us to take a wait and see attitude on this.”

    I agree, just as with the capping of the oil well in the Gulf.

  4. I’m chuckling to myself. I left a rather long response on a blog I thought was yours. http://kaystreet.wordpress.com/

    I should have known better: her blog doesn’t quite have the appearance of yours, but I thought you were still doing a little renovating, and so I continued with my comments.

    Maybe something good will come of it.

    • Greg L says:

      She appears to like using humor like I do with the cartoons and that’s what probably tripped you up. Good comment !

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